In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, a company called WeAreAwesome Enterprises existed. WeAreAwesome had navigated the complexities of the business world for years, but recently, they found themselves in a challenging position - stuck in the middle and out of ideas on how to stay profitable, let alone grow.

As the CEO of WEAreAwesome, Alex Potter pondered the company’s predicament. He couldn’t help but draw inspiration from his favourite fictional wizard, Harry Potter. Much like the famous wizard faced daunting challenges, Alex knew that overcoming WeAreAwesome’s stagnation required a strategic approach.

Turning to the ESIP model—Environment, Structure, Implementation, and People—Alex saw a path forward; however, he needed the right partner to guide WeAreAwesome through this transformation journey.

Enter JustBlack Oxygen, a beacon of hope for businesses caught in the limbo of mediocrity. JustBlack Oxygen wasn’t just a consultancy firm but a catalyst for change, offering tailored solutions to businesses of all sizes struggling to find their way forward.

Alex wasted no time engaging JustBlack Oxygen to breathe new life into WeAreAwesome Enterprises. With their reputation for excellence and a track record of success, Alex knew they were the perfect fit to lead WeAreAwesome out of its rut.

Environment: JustBlack Oxygen’s first task was to assess Midbridge’s business landscape. They identified emerging trends, market opportunities, and potential threats through thorough analysis. By understanding the external factors impacting WeAreAwesome, they could tailor strategies to navigate the ever-changing business environment.

Structure: After clearly understanding the external landscape, JustBlack Oxygen turned its attention inward to evaluate WeAreAwesome’s internal structure. They conducted organisational assessments to identify inefficiencies, communication gaps, and areas for improvement. They aimed to create a more agile and responsive organisation by restructuring and streamlining processes.

Implementation: Armed with insights from the environment and structural assessments, JustBlack Oxygen collaborated closely with WeAreAwesome’s leadership team to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy. They provided hands-on support every step of the way, ensuring seamless execution and alignment across departments.

People: JustBlack Oxygen prioritised employee engagement and development, recognising that people are at the heart of any successful transformation. They worked with WeAreAwesome to foster a culture of innovation, accountability, and continuous learning. Empowering employees to embrace change and adapt to new ways of working laid the foundation for long-term success.

What made JustBlack Oxygen’s engagement truly compelling was its commitment to low-risk solutions. With a team of seasoned consultants who are experts in business consultation and realignment projects, JustBlack Oxygen provided WeAreAwesome with the expertise and support needed to confidently navigate uncertainty and reach for the stars.

JustBlack consultants are not just advisors but partners invested in our client’s overall success. Through personalised, strategic insights and hands-on support, the JustBlack team works to mitigate risks and maximise returns, ensuring that our clients emerge from any stagnant state stronger and more resilient than ever.

In a world of uncertainty, the ESIP model and JustBlack Oxygen’s expertise proved the ultimate recipe for success.

The above story is fictional.

JustBlack Oxygen (initial consultation) FREE

JustBlack Oxygen is a cut-through consulting service designed to assist you in delivering growth. It offers tremendous value to business owners or leaders who are "stuck in the middle" and struggling to find a cohesive and sustainable path forward. Our Oxygen framework works best when you understand you need help and are open to working alongside a team that really cares. Our initial consultation is a 45-minute meet and greet, backed with some homework and then a readable report.

✓ Explore why are you stuck?
✓ Unpack the landscape, and understanding what it all means
✓ Rejuvenate your Vision and Strategy
✓ Understanding that you are not alone
✓ Build an action plan and milestone that will get you home.