JustBlack specialises in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), leveraging a seasoned team with extensive experience. We are well-equipped to navigate the unique challenges faced by organisations across multiple sectors. Our services encompass developing GRC strategies, policies, risk assessment and management, compliance monitoring, and more. We simplify security information for executive comprehension, enabling informed decisions to safeguard business interests from present and future threats.

Our commitment lies in advising and supporting clients in crafting and implementing GRC programs that are effective and sustainable in the long run.

JustBlack Projects' commitment to excellence and tailored solutions makes us the partner of choice for organisations seeking to elevate their GRC practices. "

  • We involve key stakeholders from various departments and levels of the organisation to gain a thorough understanding of the organisation's mission, goals, and strategic objectives. We conduct a comprehensive assessment of the organisation's current GRC practices, including the existing governance structure, policies, procedures, controls, and frameworks. Identify strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and areas for improvement to inform the development of the strategy, policies, and standards, including the development of relevant governance and executive management reporting so your executives can quickly understand your risk status and maturity.

  • At the core of our philosophy is the belief that sound and embedded GRC systems and processes are pivotal for organisations striving to achieve their strategic objectives. Adopting a proactive stance towards risk management and compliance allows organisations to comprehend and adeptly manage their risk exposure, enhance operational efficiency, and safeguard their hard-earned reputation.

  • Tailored Assessments for Continuous Improvement JustBlack Projects offers a nuanced approach to assessing organisations' risk and compliance maturity. Utilising our proprietary maturity model or developing a customised model, our experienced team conducts independent assessments of people, processes, and systems to ensure alignment with industry practices. Periodic assessments serve as benchmarks, enabling informed decision-making, fostering a robust risk and compliance culture, and pursuing operational excellence.

    Aligning Governance with Risk Management, our collaboration extends to designing and implementing fit-for-purpose risk governance frameworks. JustBlack Projects works with clients to align corporate governance with risk management and control activities, ensuring a holistic understanding and management of risks. Recent client work includes incident management framework development and supporting leadership in improving risk culture and conduct.

  • Enhancing Operational Risk Management Capabilities, JustBlack Projects Operational Risk Advisory service is dedicated to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks impacting organisational operations. This holistic approach covers risk assessment, policy development, training, awareness, and control design and testing. Recent success stories include assisting a large investment management business in developing and implementing a new risk management framework, resulting in improved operational risk capabilities.

  • Discover our complete solution tailored for achieving and sustaining ISO 27001 certification with ease. Justblack Projects simplifies the journey by integrating turn-key control sets, policies, targeted assessment templates, and risk libraries. Our customisable technical controls comply with ISO/IEC 27001 standards, making security management more efficient. Easily monitor security goals and objectives and receive robust support for certification and surveillance audits.

  • Our GRC solution supports the implementation of various cybersecurity frameworks, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The NIST CSF provides a flexible and comprehensive approach to managing cybersecurity risk for organisations of all sizes and across various sectors.

    NIST CSF consists of five core functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover, which together form the foundation for a risk-based approach to cybersecurity.

    Our GRC solution provides tools and resources to help organisations implement and align with the NIST CSF's principles and guidelines. Organisations can utilise our solution to assess their cybersecurity posture, identify gaps, and develop action plans to improve their security practices, and effectively managing cybersecurity risks to achieve their business objectives and align with NIST CSF recommendations. Additionally, the NIST CSF's risk management approach enables organisations to adapt to evolving threats and challenges while promoting resilience and innovation in today's dynamic cyber landscape.

  • Our GRC solution supports the implementation of the Health Information Security Framework (HISF) to assist health and disability organisations and practitioners in managing and improving the security of personal identifiable health information.

    The HISF is a structured set of guidelines, policies, and procedures designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of health information. It encompasses measures to safeguard sensitive patient data from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction, while also ensuring compliance with relevant privacy and security regulations. The framework typically includes components such as access controls, encryption, risk management, incident response, and ongoing monitoring and auditing.

    Our GRC solution can be tailored to help organisations implement and align with the HISF's principles and guidelines. By implementing a robust HISF, healthcare organisations can mitigate security risks, maintain patient trust, and uphold regulatory compliance standards. Additionally, a well-defined HISF provides a foundation for continuous improvement and adaptation to emerging threats and technologies in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare information security